Image analysis and processing

  • Huygens Professional: rapid 2D and 3D deconvolution of confocal, STED and widefield images
  • Metamorph: image analysis, object counting, morphological analysis, thresholding, 3D reconstruction/rotation of confocal optical sections
  • Imaris: 3D reconstruction of optical sections, measurements in 3D, isosurfacing, animations, colocalization analysis.
  • Adobe Photoshop: image processing and editing with batch mode
  • Leica LAS X 3D analysis and measurements: 3D multichannel analysis, measurements and object classification
  • Fiji/ImageJ: image processing and analysis


Sample preparation


Supply center

ALMC has an on-site supply center stocked with fluorescent secondary antibodies and markers. Consumables for laser capture microdissection are also available. In addition to our normal inventory, clients may special order anything from the Life Technologies catalog without shipping fees.

File transfer system

ALMC has a server that can be remotely accessed from any computer on the MU campus. It serves as a TEMPORARY holding place for files to facilitate transfer of the data you generate at the core to a local computer in your lab/office. Please note that due to space limitations the storage space is cleared every morning at 8:00 am, such that your files will only be stored for a maximum of 24 hours and you need to transfer them to your computer on the same day they were placed on the server. For instructions on connecting to this utility contact ALMC staff.