Leica TCS SP8 with digital light-sheet and diode lasers

The Leica TCS SP8 system possesses fixed diode laser lines (405, 488, 552, 638 nm) that can be utilized for conventional confocal microscopy or digital light-sheet applications. Illumination with the light sheet allows rapid acquisition of multiple images (>100 frames/second) to permit 3-D rendering and results in low phototoxicity. Imaging can be performed for entire organs (e.g., Arabidopsis roots) or organisms (e.g., Drosophila embryos, developing zebra fish). Extended time-lapse acquisition can be used to monitor physiological or developmental changes over time.

Download a PDF describing the basics of light-sheet microscopy and providing protocols for sample preparation.

The following objectives are available for use with the confocal and light-sheet systems:

Mag. Objective description NA Immersion medium Working distance (mm)
10x HC PL APO CS 0.40 Air 2.20
20x HC PL APO CS 0.70 Air 0.59
20x HC PL APO IMM CORR CS2 0.75 Water, glycerol, or oil 0.68
25x HCX IRAPO L 0.95 Water 2.40
40x HC PL APO CS2 1.10 Water 0.65
40x HC PL APO CS2 1.30 Oil 0.24
63x HC PL APO CS2 1.40 Oil 0.14
63x HC PL APO CORR CS2 1.30 Glycerol 0.30
63x  HC PL APO CORR CS2 1.20 Water 0.30
100x HCX PL APO CORR CS 1.44 Oil 0.10
100x HC PL APO STED WHITE 1.40 Oil 0.13


The following objectives are specifically for use with the light-sheet system:

Mag. Objective description NA Immersion medium Working distance (mm)
2.5x HC PL FLUOTAR 0.07 Air 9.4
10x HC APO DLS L 0.30 Water 3.6
25x HC PL APO IMM CORR CS2 0.75 Water 2.5