News & Announcements

Line drawings of many different research tools; research drives change, growth, new ideas.

Accelerate your research

If you need a refresher on all the division offers, check out the booklet we created for new faculty. You'll find information on departments and the resources we offer to help you get funded and manage your project. 

Read guide to our services


The division's monthly newsletter contains research-related news, opportunities, resources
and more.


MU researchers can get discipline-specific funding announcements by joining our listservs.

Year in review

Our annual report showcases MU research, scholarly achievements and creative endeavors.

Where research and people meet

Supported by $9 million from the National Science Foundation, Mizzou researcher Susan Renoe and her team are bringing research discoveries to the people who fund it and benefit from it. 

Unveiling Missouri dialects

Matthew Gordon used voice recordings of Missourians born as early as 1884 to study how our speech has changed since then.

The patent puzzle

In 2023, Mizzou received 16 U.S. patents for a variety of inventions. See which researchers successfully navigated the complex patent process in partnership with the Technology Advancement team.