The University of Missouri Division of Research, Innovation & Impact is working closely with university leaders, professional organizations and peers to understand how the guidance issued by various federal agencies may impact grants, contracts and cooperative agreements. This includes reviewing activities that may be affected by executive orders.

Mizzou is dedicated to its mission of creating knowledge, driving innovation and delivering research that benefits Missourians and beyond. 

We have created this webpage to serve our faculty, staff and student investigators and ensure that we are able to provide timely updates in a rapidly changing research environment. 

Guidance for Mizzou investigators

If you are planning to submit a grant proposal:

Mizzou researchers are encouraged to continue to submit proposals. The federal agency submission systems are operational.

Sponsor proposal review timelines may be extended while federal agencies navigate pauses in specific areas.

  • There may be changes to proposal deadlines. Reconfirming deadlines is recommended.
  • Confirm that the funding announcement has not been revised or postponed.
  • Consider signing up for funding alerts from the sponsor. 

Award decisions may be delayed; please monitor program websites and FAQs for any news.

If you are managing an active award:

Continue your work on federally funded research activities unless you have received a suspension, stop order or other award-specific notice from the federal agency or your program manager directly.

  • Continuations, no-cost extensions and post-award action approvals by federal agencies may be delayed or denied.
  • Review your award to ensure you understand your funding availability and reimbursement terms.
  • Closely monitor obligated budget balances to avoid deficits while awaiting future obligations. Anticipated future funding remains subject to availability of funds and should not be considered guaranteed.
  • Prioritize the submission of any technical reports or deliverables, especially those that may be past due. 

Keep an eye on communications from your funding sponsor and tell us if there are changes to your award.

  • If principal investigators receive any award modifications or other notices, please forward them to the Sponsored Programs Administration as soon as possible by emailing so staff can review and process them quickly.
  • Notify the Sponsored Programs Administration by emailing if you received a stop-work order from a federal sponsor. A stop-work order typically means that all project work needs to stop immediately and no expenses can be incurred on the project as of the notice's effective date.

The Division of Research is gathering examples of impacts that recent executive orders and agency directives are having on campus research.