image from advanced light microscopy contest winner 2019

Mission statement

The ALMC is a shared resource for all types of light microscopy, including widefield, confocal, super-resolution and stereomicroscopy. The core provides access to state-of-the-art instruments, imaging technologies, services, training and expert consultation supporting the educational and research missions of the University of Missouri. The core is open to the entire University of Missouri community as well as to researchers from other academic institutions and companies in the area.


We are open 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and closed on university holidays.

Our calendar provides an easy way to view available time slots. To make an appointment, please check for instrument availability on the calendars listed then call 882-4895 to make a reservation for the time and instrument you wish to use.

Schedule time on an instrument.


Since 2001, the ALMC has held a Light Microscopy Image Contest to showcase the work of core users and generate broader interest in the core's capabilities. Participating researchers can submit their best images taken with any ALMC instrument. A winner chosen by popular vote is revealed during Show Me Research Week. 

See winning images.

Tara Finegan and Alexander Jurkevich
120 Bond Life Sciences Center