Advanced Technology Core Facilities

Advanced Light Microscopy
120 Bond Life Sciences Center / 573-882-4895 / Director: Tara Finegan
Equipment and services consist of confocal, super-resolution, digital light-sheet and widefield microscopes, laser capture micro dissection, image analysis and processing and sample preparation. Facility statement.

Animal Modeling
4011 Discovery Drive, Room S121 / 573-884-1804 / Co-Directors: Director: Elizabeth Bryda and Daniel Davis
Provides a variety of essential services associated with the generation, characterization and maintenance of animal models for both internal and external clients. Facility statement.

Bioinformatics and Analytics
106 Bond Life Sciences Center / 573-882-3026 / Director: Hong An (interim)
Provides informatics support services, develops tools and leverages high-performance computing resources for the UM System and its universities and their researchers. Facility statement.

Cell & Immunobiology
M324 Medical Sciences Building / 573-884-7315 / Director: Susan Rottinghaus
The CIC is comprised of two facilities. The Tissue Culture Facility offers essential services, including maintenance and preparation of normal and tumor cells for in vitro and in vivo experiments, training and LN storage services. The Supply Center offers convenience and cost-savings on many lab products, including plasticware, cell, protein and flow items. Facility statement.

Cognitive Neuroscience Systems
15 Melvin H. Marx Building / 573-882-4785 / Director: Brett Froeliger
Providing state-of-art instrumentation and laboratory space for conducting translational cognitive neuroscience research. Facility statement.

Electron Microscopy
0011 NextGen Precision Health Building / 573-884-5383 / Director: Min Su
Provides electron microscopy services and technology to investigators from academia and industry. The core offers access to scanning and transmission electron microscopes, as well as ancillary equipment and services. Facility statement.

Flow Cytometry
2408D NextGen Precision Health building / 573-882-3833 / Director: Yue Guan
Flow cytometry is a powerful technology for analyzing and sorting a suspension of microscopic particles at thousands of events per second. The technique utilizes fluorescent probes targeted to cell-specific antigens to characterize the physical and/or chemical characteristics of single cells.

Gehrke Proteomics Center
214 Bond Life Sciences Center / 573-884-7374 / Director: Brian Mooney
The center provides advanced technologies in protein separation and mass spectrometry identification for researchers. Facility statement.

Genomics Technology
216 Bond Life Sciences Center / 573-882-0428 / Director: Nathan Bivens and Assistant Director Grant Zane
Provides genomic services to UM System investigators, external academic researchers and commercial entities. The core is a resource to educate and train researchers / students in the use of sequencing technologies. Facility statement.

Laboratory for Infectious Disease Research
1020 East Campus Loop / 573-884-3808 / Director: Anthony Griffiths
The mission of the Laboratory for Infectious Disease Research is to provide state-of-the-art facilities to support research on infectious diseases. The Laboratory includes the Aerobiology Core, Immunology Core, Microbiology Core and Animal Infection and Monitoring Services (AIMS) Core. Facility statement.

Metabolomics Center
243 Bond Life Sciences Center / 573-882-5596 / Director: Lloyd W. Sumner and Assistant Director Zhentian Lei
The mission of the University of Missouri Metabolomics Center (MUMC) is to provide advanced, cutting-edge metabolomics capabilities and expertise to both the MU community and outside entities. Facility statement.

Molecular Interactions
442 Bond Life Sciences Center / 573-882-9024 / Director: Kamal Singh
The mission of the Molecular Interactions Core (formerly Structural Biology Core) is to enhance the research infrastructure available to MU life scientists by ensuring sustained access to functional state-of-the-art equipment and expertise in the fields of structural biology, molecular interactions and peptide synthesis. Facility statement.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Core
125 Chemistry Building / 573-884-7807 / Director: Michael Greenlief
The mission of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility is to enhance the research infrastructure available to MU scientists by ensuring access to state-of-the-art instrumentation for the structural elucidation of molecules by NMR spectroscopy. Facility statement.

PET Imaging Center
900 E. Campus Drive / 573-882-7821 / Director: Jeffrey Bryan
Housed in the College of Veterinary Medicine, the PET/CT Imaging Core is a crucial component and important tool in the effort to embrace science at the intersection of humans, animals and the ecosystem. The Core includes a combination positron tomography (PET) scanner and computed tomography (CT) – the PET/CT system – which improves accuracy and speed in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, vascular disorders and Lou Gehrig’s disease, among others. Facility statement.

Plant Transformation
Sears Plant Growth Facility / 573-882-7705 / Director: Bing Yang
The goal of the Plant Transformation Core at the University of Missouri is to enhance both basic and applied research in plant biology by providing fee-based plant transformation services. Facility statement.

Small Animal Phenotyping
C102A, Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center / 573-882-9482 / Director: Scott Rector
Providing for in vivo study of cardiovascular function, metabolism, drug distribution and aspects of behavior and learning. Facility statement.

X-ray Microanalysis
Room 1 Geological Sciences Building / 573-882-9501 / Director: James D. Schiffbauer
At the X-ray Microanalysis Core (MizzoµX), we not only explore electron- and X-ray microscopy techniques on fossil materials, but also have built a broad group of collaborators outside of paleontology and geological sciences to apply these techniques to expansive specimen types. We are happy to provide free consultation to best plan and assess your analytical needs, and will work with you to provide full service through the completion of your project. Facility statement.