Flow cytometry, cell sorting and fluorescence microscopy

We provide investigators with access to state-of- the-art cell sorting and analytical flow cytometry services, advanced microscopy and experimental design consultation.

We are capable of working with fixed or live BSL-1, BSL-2 and BSL-3 samples. The lab is run at BSL-2 like other core facilities on campus. Investigators are welcome to be present to ask questions or provide suggestions during their experiments. 

Importantly, there are no restrictions on transport of investigator's samples in and out of the LIDR (e.g., sorted cells) when those samples are at BSL-2 or below.

Download directions to our facility. This document also includes instructions for visitors.


Thermo Fisher Bigfoot celll sorter



  • Conventional and full-spectrum sorter with Spectral Unmixing available but not required.
  • Five spatially separated lasers (349, 405, 488, 561 and 640 nm) and 55 fluorescent parameter detectors.
  • Fast sorting into tubes, plates, slides or genomics chips. Can sort a 96-well plate in less than 8 seconds.
  • Integrated Class II biosafety cabinet and independent sort chamber aerosol evacuation system (AES).

View the Bigfoot Cell Sorter and Analyzer Brochure for more detailed information.

Conventional Compensation

  • Capture emission from any fluorophore.
  • Larger bandpass filters for common fluorophores.

results from Bigfoot conventional compensation

Spectral Unmixing

  • Instrument optimized for spectral unmixing.
  • Used for high-end cell sorting.

results from Bigfoot spectral unmixing



Contact: Dr. Jeff Whyte to make an appointment to sort cells on the Bigfoot.

Forms and guidelines

Please download, fill out and return by email the Flow Cytometry Information Form prior to your appointment.

Review the Bigfoot recommended cell sorting guidelines to ensure a successful cell sort.

Rates and Fees

Effective 5/1/2023

Rates are based per hour and billed in 30 minute increments. 

Flow and sorting charges will include a setup fee (listed) to account for instrument start-up and shut-down time.

 ServiceInternal Investigators (MU)External Academic InvestigatorsExternal Commercial Investigators
Bigfoot cell sorting   
setup fee$35$35$35
with facility operator
Cell Sorting:
 $90 /hour
Analysis only:
 $70 /hour
Cell Sorting:
 $125 /hour
Analysis only:
 $100 /hour
with facility operator
Cell Sorting:
 $165 /hour
Analysis only:
 $130 /hour
Cell Sorting:
 $220 /hour
Analysis only:
 $175 /hour
Consultation / analysis$41.50 /hour$69.50 /hourInquire
Report generation$41.50 /hour$69.50 /hourInquire


Acknowledge our services

All work performed in our facility should be properly acknowledged in published manuscripts, presentations, posters and press releases.

Acknowledgment provides a visible measure of the core's impact and is essential for our continued funding. 

Template and guidelines

We sincerely appreciate your acknowledgement of our services. 

 Tyto Cell Sorter (Miltenyi)

Tyto cell sorter cartridge



  • Three lasers (405, 488 and 638 nm) and 10-parameter cell sorting at >30,000 events/sec. 
  • Cartridge uses microfluidics and extremely low air pressure (< 3 psi) to flow cells past lasers.
  • Does not rely on cells to be within droplets and they are not subjected to charge-deflection.
  • A rapidly moving microchip valve opens to divert a desired cell into the sort fraction and then closes again.
  • Sort cartridge does not produce aerosols. Can safely be used on the benchtop to sort at BSL-3.
  • No loss of sample: two-way sorting of positive (sorted) cells and negative (non-sorted) cells. 

View the Miltenyi Tyto cell sorter brochure for more detailed information.


Contact: Jeff Whyte to make an appointment to sort cells on the Tyto.

Forms and guidelines

Please download, fill out and return by email the Tyto Information Form prior to your appointment.

View the Miltenyi Tyto cell sorter brochure for more detailed information.

Rates and Fees

Effective 5/1/2023

Rates are based per hour and billed in 30 minute increments. 

Flow and sorting charges will include a setup fee (listed) to account for instrument start-up and shut-down time.

 ServiceInternal Investigators (MU)External Academic InvestigatorsExternal Commercial Investigators
Tyto cell sorting   
setup fee$25$25$25
with facility operator
$50 /hour
$100 /cartridge
$70 /hour
$100 /cartridge
with facility operator
$100 /hour
$100 /cartridge
$135 /hour
$100 /cartridge
Consultation / analysis$41.50 /hour$69.50 /hourInquire
Report generation$41.50 /hour$69.50 /hourInquire


Acknowledge our services

All work performed in our facility should be properly acknowledged in published manuscripts, presentations, posters and press releases. This acknowledgment provides a visible measure of the core's impact and is essential for our continued funding. 


We sincerely appreciate your acknowledgement of our services. 

 MACSQuant 10 Flow Cytometer (Miltenyi)

MACSQuant 10 mini sampler


  • Three lasers (405, 488 and 640 nm) and fluorescence detectors optimized with spectrally matched PMTs for all channels. 
  • Automated start-up, calibration, compensation, cleaning and shutdown. 
  • Precise fluidics systems that enable automated and accurate uptake of sample volumes, i.e., volumetric pipetting.
  • Absolute cell counts in real time with the completion of your sample.
  • Accurate sample flow rate of 25, 50 or 100 µL/min or automate flow rate to maintain 500, 1000 or 2000 events/second.
  • MiniSampler Plus (chilled): seamless sampling from single tubes, multiple tubes or 96-well plates.   

View the Miltenyi MACQuant 10 Flow Cytometer brochure for more detailed information.


Contact: Jeff Whyte to make an appointment for the MACSQuant 10 Flow Cytometer.

Forms and guidelines

Please download, fill out and return by email the MACSQuant Information Form prior to your appointment.

View the Miltenyi MACQuant 10 Flow Cytometer brochure for more detailed information.

Rates and Fees

Effective 5/1/2023

Rates are based per hour and billed in 30 minute increments. Training rates are based per person, per hour.

Flow and sorting charges will include a setup fee (listed) to account for instrument start-up and shut-down time.

 ServiceInternal Investigators (MU)External Academic InvestigatorsExternal Commercial Investigators
MACSQuant 10 Flow Cytometer/Analyzer   
setup fee$25$25$25
with facility operator
$60 /hour$80 /hourInquire
Training (BSL-2 only)$75 /hour----
Consultation / analysis$41.50 /hour$69.50 /hourInquire
Report generation$41.50 /hour$69.50 /hourInquire


Acknowledge our services

All work performed in our facility should be properly acknowledged in published manuscripts, presentations, posters and press releases.

Acknowledgment provides a visible measure of the core's impact and is essential for our continued funding. 

Template and guidelines

We sincerely appreciate your acknowledgement of our services.

 Lionheart FX Automated Microscope (Agilent/BioTek)


  • Automated digital microscopy with 4x, 20x, 40x and 60x magnification for whole organism to sub-cellular imaging.
  • Brightfield, color brightfield, phase contrast and fluorescence with image auto focus to meet a wide range of imaging applications.
  • Powerful Gen5 3.12 software with seamless image capture, annotation, analysis and movie making. Requires no extensive training.
  • Automated kinetic live cell assays, with temperature, CO2 /O2 and humidity control.
  • Auto focus, auto exposure, auto LED intensity.
  • Label-free cell counting for cell proliferation assays.

View the Lionheart FX Automated Microscope brochure for more detailed information.


Contact: Jeff Whyte to make an appointment for the Lionheart FX Automated Microscope.

Forms and guidelines

Please download, fill out and return by email the Lionheart FX Information Form prior to your appointment.

View the Lionheart FX Automated Microscope brochure for more detailed information.

Rates and Fees

Effective 5/1/2023

Rates are based per hour and billed in 30 minute increments. 

Training rates are based per person, per hour.

 ServiceInternal Investigators (MU)External Academic InvestigatorsExternal Commercial Investigators
Lionheart FX Microscopy   
without facility operator
$40 /hour----
with facility operator
$80 /hour$105 /hourInquire
with facility operator
$140 /hour$185 /hourInquire
$20 /hour$25 /hourInquire
$40 /hour$50 /hourInquire
Training (BSL-2 only)$95 /hour----
Consultation / analysis$41.50 /hour$69.50 /hourInquire
Report generation$41.50 /hour$69.50 /hourInquire


Acknowledge our services

All work performed in our facility should be properly acknowledged in published manuscripts, presentations, posters and press releases. This acknowledgment provides a visible measure of the core's impact and is essential for our continued funding.


We sincerely appreciate your acknowledgement of our services.