LIDR offers custom designed aerosol exposure services for BSL-2 and BSL-3 agents. All challenges are performed within a custom-designed and -built GermFreeTM Class III biological safety cabinet for optimal containment and user protection. Aerosols are generated via Collison nebulizer or Sparging Liquid Aerosol Generator, which allows fresh inoculum to be added at a predetermined rate. These, combined with precise regulation of air flow, allow for control of presented dose and creation of optimum particle size for effective deposition.

Services include:
- CH TechnologiesTM inhalation exposure system for research on lower respiratory tract infections.
- Pathogen and small animal aerosol model development.
- Characterization of particle size distribution and real-time monitoring via a Palas WelasTM white light aerosol spectrometer.
- Dose determination, viability of infectious agents and animal evaluation services.
- Please contact us at lidr@missouri.edu for additional information on the Aerobiology Core.