Applicant organization information

Mailing address

The Curators of the University of Missouri
Sponsored Programs Administration
601 Turner Avenue
Turner Avenue Garage, Rm. 201
Columbia, MO 65211-0001

For overnight courier, use zip code 65201-4206


download Downloadable MU Institutional Profile

Business officers

Awards to be sent toCraig David, Director, SPA
Primary official signing documentsHannah Brune, Associate Director Pre-Award, SPA
Alternate officials signing documents

Jeremiah Lotven, Pre-Award Manager, SPA

Chad Hampton, Associate Director Post-Award, SPA

Chase Bunger, Research Contracts Manager, SPA

Melissa Old, Compliance Manager, SPA

Megan Faulkner, Pre-Award Manager, SPA

Checks payable toThe Curators of the University of Missouri
Checks mailed toThe Curators of the University of Missouri
University of Missouri AR PO Box 807012
Kansas City, MO 64180-7012
Financial OfficerChad Hampton, Associate Director Post-Award, SPA

Organization type, tax exempt status, legislative districts and other identifiers

Organization TypeInstitution of Higher Education and a Public Corporation under the laws of the State of Missouri (Sec. 172.020 R.S.Mo)
Tax Exempt StatusExempt by virtue of being an organization as described in Section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. The University of Missouri is an instrumentality of the State of Missouri.
Congressional DistrictMO-003 (Effective 5.18.22 – Previously Mo-004)
State Legislative DistrictHouse: 45    Senate: 19
Employer/Federal/Tax ID NumberDHHS (All): 1436003859B4
All others: 436003859
System for Award Management (SAM; formerly CCR)COLUM    153890272    Expires 3-21-2026
SYSTEM   006326904    Expires 3-21-2026
Corporate & Gov’t Entity (CAGE) CodeColumbia Campus    9C156
UM System    9B964
Data Universal Number System (DUNS)Columbia Campus    153890272
UM System and U.S. Dept. Education    006326904
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)
[required use by 4/2022]
COLUM                 SZPJL5ZRCLF4
UM System and U.S. Dept. Education           LBFJB8N7LME3
Missouri Tax ID Number11166045
Missouri BuysSystem ID 95448
NSF Institutional/ Organizational Code0025163000
Missouri State Vendor Number436003859P2
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Number24-00513-32 (Radio Isotopes)
SIC Code/NAICS Code8221/611310
OPE (Office of Postsecondary Education) Formerly FICE Code002516
DHHS Payment Management System
(PMS) PIN# (also referred to as ASAP Recipient ID #) for all USDA NIFA

Human Subjects Research Protections Program (HRPP) and Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) number00002876
FWA Human Subject AssuranceExpiration Date 09/27/2026
IRB RegistrationsExpiration Date 10/19/2026
Misconduct in Science Assurance0578002 dated 01/06/2015

IRB Fees: The University of Missouri IRB charges fees associated with IRB reviews and related administrative responsibilities for multisite studies regardless of funding source. Researchers should submit an Initial Request for MU to be the IRB of Record in prior to grant submissions to ensure the MU IRB will serve as the IRB of Record and to correctly budget for any fees.

Indirect costs are not recovered on IRB fees that are direct charged to a grant.

Animal care quality assurances

Animal Welfare Assurance NumberD16-00249 (A3394-01)
ACUC USDA Registration43R0048
AAALAC Accreditation Site Number487
AAALAC Most Recent Accreditation Date06/23/2021 for all accredited areas of Columbia campus

University of Missouri single audit reports

Single audit reports include: Independent auditor's reports, schedule of expenditures of federal awards, notes to the schedule of expenditures of federal awards, and a schedule of findings and questioned costs. 


Indirect costs

Cognizant Agency Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
DHHS Rate Agreement Date06/07/2024; effective 07/01/2020 until amended
DHHS Point of ContactArif Karim (214) 767-3261

One of the following negotiated or calculated rates must be used for all projects unless either:

  1. The sponsor (excluding commercial/industry) has a published policy statement applying to all awards that specifically limits indirect costs, or
  2. A Request for University Contribution of Indirect Costs (Indirect Costs Waiver) has been approved by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Research or their designee.

For policy, refer to the UM System Policy (27025), MU SPA Sponsored Programs Procedure Guide (SPPG) and the Indirect Costs/Fringe Benefit Rate Agreement

Federally negotiated rates FY22-FY24

Applicable on grants, contracts and other agreements for sponsored activity including research, instruction, service or other activity.

Indirect costs ResearchInstructionOther sponsored activity
On Campus156.5%44.0%33.0%
Off Campus126.0%26.0%26.0%

Clinical trial rates FY21-FY24

Commercial or industry-funded clinical trial rates are an exception to the university's federally negotiated rates. Federally funded clinical trials are subject to federally negotiated rates.

Facilities and Administrative CostsFederal fundsCommercial or industry funds when MU waives IP rights2Commercial or industry funds when MU retains IP rights
ResearchSee Table 131.0%26.0%
Other activitySee Table 131.0%26.0%

Industry-sponsored project rates FY22-FY24

Applicable to commercial or industry funds when the university retains IP rights.

Facilities and Administrative Costs ResearchInstructionOther Sponsored Activity
On Campus156.5%44.0%33.0%
Off Campus126.0%26.0%26.0%

Industry-sponsored project rates FY22-FY24

Applicable to commercial or industry funds when the university waives IP rights2. Rates are calculated at the federally negotiated rates plus 5%.

Facilities and Administrative Costs ResearchInstructionOther Sponsored Activity
On Campus161.5%49.0%38.0%
Off Campus131.0%31.0%31.0%

If a research project with a budget period begins within the 2021 fiscal year, ending 6/30/21, the indirect costs rate of 55% will apply for that entire budget period. For any subsequent budget periods the indirect costs rate of 56.5% will apply.

*Modified total direct costs (MTDC) are total direct costs (TDC) minus:

  • All capital expenditures (buildings, significant renovations, etc.).
  • Individual items of equipment with a single unit value of $5,000 or greater and an estimated useful life of more than one year.
  • Tuition remission and fees.
  • The portion of each individual sub-award (subcontract) in excess of $25,000.
  • All hospitalization and other fees (patient care costs) associated with patient care, whether the services are obtained from an owned, related, or third-party hospital or other medical facility.
  • All rental/maintenance of off-site activities (space).
  • All student support costs (e.g., student aid, stipends, dependency allowances, scholarships, fellowships).
  • Animal care costs paid as a per diem based on Office of Animal Resources (OAR) rate.
  • Participant support costs (in connection with conferences or training projects only see SPPG topic).
  • IRB Fees

Note: When using an indirect cost rate that is lower than the negotiated rate, the rate will be applied to TDC rather than MTDC. 

1On-campus vs. off-campus rates: MU maintains a policy of on- and off-campus classification for the purpose of applying the appropriate indirect cost rate. Refer to Indirect Cost Recovery in the SPPG (Sponsored Programs Procedure Guide) for definitions and guidance concerning projects conducted partially off campus. 

2Waived intellectual property rights for industry-sponsored activities: Principal investigator, MU campus and UM System level approvals (see Intellectual Property,  Indirect Cost Recovery and  UM System Policy (27025).


 UM System Indirect Costs/Fringe Benefit Rate Agreement

≥ 75% FTE
    **MU, UM
< 75% FTE
MU Graduate
Tuition and medical insurance (see rates below) 

*Projections use 3% inflation rate for budgeting purposes.

**Beginning in FY20, for all university grant funds, the federally negotiated rate and the FICA tax will be charged with no differentiation as to college/school/business unit or source of funds. Use MU and UM System rates listed above for all grants. As per Section II of the rate agreement, FICA is specifically identified to each employee and charged individually. The ≥ 75% FTE fringe benefit rates listed here are inclusive of FICA (7.65%) for budgeting calculations. Reference: UM Indirect Costs/Fringe Benefit Rate Agreement page


Rates are provided here as a resource for budget development. Please use in combination with your department policy and practice, graduate school policy and in conjunction with the sponsoring agency regulations and policies related to allowability on grants.

Budget notes: All graduate students admitted to start an assistantship during summer 2022 or later must be equal to a .50 FTE (if a .25 FTE, the student must have a second .25 FTE to qualify for the graduate student tuition support program (GSTSP). More information can be found on the Graduate School's assistantships webpage.

Graduate student tuition support program rates

TierCollege/SchoolResident Credit Hour Cost1,5Academic Year2Summer Session3Annual Total4
1Arts & Science / CAFNR / Vet Med$525$9,450$2,625$12,075
2Education* / Medicine / Genetics Area Program / Neuroscience$561.80$10,112$2,809$12,921
3Business (Acctcy PhD, Bus Adm) / Applied Behavior Analysis* / Health Sciences / Journalism / Informatics$603.80$10,868$3,019$13,887
4Accountancy / Engineering$682.50$12,285$3,413$15,698
5National Market Range: All other Business / Nursing / Data Science and AnalyticsMin: $603.80
Max: $2,362.50
 Graduate certificatesMin: $525
Max: $2,362.50
 Law, LLM$914.60   

* All of Education is Tier 2 except for the Applied Behavior Analysis Academic Plan, which is Tier 3.

Please see Cashier's website for detailed information.

1 Not including fees for student activity, student health or recreation facility
2 Based on 18 credit hours per academic year per student (9 in fall semester and 9 in spring semester)
3 Based on 5 credit hours per student for summer session only.
4 Based on 23 credit hours per year per student (9 in fall semester, 9 in spring semester and 5 in summer session)
5 The resident tuition is charged back to grants. (Note: Tuition charged back to training grants may be treated differently; please check with SPA as needed when preparing your budget.

Source: MU Cashiers Office, Tuition Rates

Institutional minimum graduate research and teaching assistant stipends per academic year

Grant budgets should include the university's discipline-appropriate stipend; the stipend amount must be at least the institutional minimum stipend amount listed below equal to the effort charged to the grant. Units should budget for increased annual stipend support that aligns with the merit increase pool for faculty and staff.

FTE Duration
in months 
Master's and Specialist Level  Doctoral Level  
0.50per semester$9,088.20$9,269.96$9,996$10,195.92
0.50summer and 12-month$2,019.60$2,059.99$2,221.56$2,265.99
0.509-month, monthly,
over 10 months
0.50deferred pay, monthly, 9 over 12$1,514.70$1,544.99$1,666$1,699.32


*2% increase for 2026-27 applied to monthly stipend amount, rounded and then multiplied by 10 or 12 months to get 9-month over 10-month and 12-month amounts.

Please note that as of July 1, 2025, there will be new job codes and titles for qualifying titles. Those in the former titles will need to be moved to one of the four new titles. More communication from Human Resources is forthcoming. 

Due to policy, all grad students hired into a qualifying title of Graduate Research Assistantship (jobcode 4016), Graduate Teaching Assistantship (jobcode 4017), Graduate Instructor Assistantship (jobcode 4014) and Graduate Professional Assistantship (jobcode 4018) are to be paid the 9-month stipend over 10 months, from Aug. 1 through May 31, unless prohibited by funding (i.e., granting agency does not allow it). Fall semester is Aug. 1 through December 31, and spring semester is Jan. 1 through May 31. They should be receiving equal stipend amounts per month for 5 months.  

Student responsibilities are for 9 months and start and end dates need to be decided jointly by employer and student for those appointments being paid out over 10 months for a 9-month appointment. Graduate students paid over 12 months are to continue to be paid for at least the 12-month stipend listed and should have a start date of Aug. 1. Qualifying titles listed above are paid monthly and cannot be paid hourly. Unless necessary (e.g., due to grant funding timelines), graduate students should not be hired on a semester basis. If their tasks are to change by semester, it is better to hire for the full year and just update the title/funding midyear. If appointment pay starts after Aug. 1 in fall or Jan. 1 in spring or June 1 in summer, then the tuition waiver will be prorated, based on the pay start date, unless special arrangements are made. 

Please note that students may only hold a .25 assistantship if they have another .25 assistantship or a university-funded fellowship at the level of the minimum stipend for a .25 FTE. A student can only be hired into a .25 FTE assistantship without a second qualifying appointment if an exception request is approved by the dean of the Graduate School. A .25 exception is only eligible for 50% tuition remission, paid by the department or grant, and 50% insurance subsidy.

Graduate student medical insurance subsidy for 2024-25 (Aug. 15, 2024, to Aug. 14, 2025)*

*International student coverage is from Aug. 1, 2024, to July 31, 2025.

Fall and Spring/Summer Sessions
25% FTE (12 months)$1,302.50 domestic (voluntary)$1,302.50 international (mandated)
50% FTE (12 months)$2,605 domestic (voluntary)$2,605 international (mandated)
Fall Session Only
25% FTE (12 months)$546.50 domestic (voluntary)$546.50 international (mandated)
50% FTE (12 months)$1,093 domestic (voluntary)$1,093 international (mandated)
Spring/Summer Session Only
25% FTE (12 months)$756 domestic (voluntary)$756 international (mandated)
50% FTE (12 months)$1,512 domestic (voluntary)$1,512 international (mandated)

An annual adjustment for budgeting projections of 10% may be used for medical insurance and 3% for tuition, fees and stipends.

Suggested pay ranges for undergraduate students

To honor recommendations from the Postdoctoral Education Advisory Committee, bring our minimum salary in line with national benchmarks, and remain competitive as an institution, the following updates are scheduled for salary minimums for non-teaching postdoctoral scholars (including Postdoctoral Associate, Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoctoral FellowStipend):

  • All postdocs with a start date of Jan. 1, 2025, or later must be paid a minimum salary of $55,000. 
  • For any postdocs (including those continuing appointments prior to Jan. 1, 2025), the PI/mentor must plan to raise postdoc salaries to $58,656 or more by no later than Jan. 1, 2028. Raising salaries earlier than this deadline is strongly encouraged. Funding agencies may have higher minimums that must be addressed sooner. 

Postdoc FICA exemption: All postdoctoral students receiving a National Research Service Award (NRSA) fellowship are exempt from FICA. Upon notice of award, departments should contact SPA to request verification. SPA will review and respond; if approved, the email approval should be forwarded to Human Resources so the individual can be set up for exception designation.

Office of Naval Research, Chicago Branch
230 South Dearborn, Room 380
Chicago, IL 60604-1595

Main Office: (312) 886-5423

UIC: N62880

By federal law, for any Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) awards, including but not limited to National Institutes of Health (NIH) awards, the University cannot charge salary above designated limitations (“salary cap”), including in subawards. Additional information and salary cap amounts can be found in the Sponsored Programs Procedure Guide (SPPG) under DHHS Salary Cap.


Employee travel by automobile

Reimbursed at $0.655 per mile, effective July 1, 2023.
References: Mileage Reimbursement Rates: UM System Policy 22602, State of Missouri Division of Accounting, Mileage

Meal allowances

In-state. For overnight travel within the state of Missouri, meals will be reimbursed on a per diem basis of $63.00 per day.
Reference: UM System Per Diem Information

Domestic trips outside the state of Missouri 

For overnight travel within the United States (other than Missouri) and the District of Columbia, meals will be reimbursed on a per diem basis according to Missouri to Contiguous United States (CONUS) rates for Local Meals published by the Governmental Services Administration for the travel destination. Specific rates by location


For travel outside the United States and the District of Columbia, reimbursement is allowed at a per diem rate prescribed by the U.S. Department of Defense “Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee.” Specific rates by location.
Reference: UM System Policy 22603



Questions? Email us.


Contact us

601 Turner Ave., Turner Avenue Garage Room 201
Email: Phone: 573-882-7560