Rates are for University of Missouri users. External users should contact Associate Director Brian Mooney.

Protein identification 

Gel band or spot (coomassie-stained)$163 (digest + 30min Bruker LC-MS/MS)
20 bands/spots by LCMS/MS$2,499 (includes spot excision)
1 band/spot client-processed (with Proteomics Center reagents)$70 (Digest + LC-MS/MS)
Protein in solution (e.g., recombinant protein or complex lysate)$179.50 (digest + ZIP tip +30min Bruker timsTOF LC-MS/MS)

Note: This does not include determination of protein concentration (please add $27 for this service).


High-coverage global proteomics
Bruker timsTOF-PRO with DIA-PASEF1

Differential protein abundance analyses of a biological quintuplet2

$2,860 (identification and quantitation of >4000 proteins) 

Note 1: Meier, F., Brunner, AD., Frank, M. et al. diaPASEF: parallel accumulation – serial fragmentation combined with data-independent acquisition. Nat Methods 17, 1229–1236 (2020).

Note 2: Includes protein extraction from 10 tissue samples (5 control, 5 treated); protein quantitation and trypsin digestion; peptide purification using ZIP tips; 60min DDA-PASEF (data-dependent acquisition) LCMS+MS/MS gradient on Bruker timsTOF-PRO; and quantitative data analyses using Spectronaut or DIA-NN software.

Client-processed biological quintuplet


Note 3: Center provides reagents for protein extraction, quantitation and trypsin digestion. Client performs all sample processing and provides purified (C18 tip processed) peptides. Center acquires DDA-PASEF on timsTOF-PRO. Client completes all data analyses (following training).