
To reserve instrument time you must be a registered user within the EMC's online calendar system, Facility Online Manager (FOM). To register see our policies and procedures page for instrument reservation and service request procedures. If you need additional assistance, please contact us.









  • E.A. Fischione Model 1070 Nanoclean Plasma Cleaner 

    • Designed for cleaning residual hydrocarbons of TEM holders and SEM specimens, but can be used as a general purpose low-wattage plasma cleaner.  Can input up to 3 gasses (Ar, O, plus a third auxillary gas) at user-defined ratios.

      Nanoclean 1070 User Manual (PDF)  |  Instrument Calendar

  • Pelco Easiglow Glow Discharge

    • Allows investigators the ability to pursue protein structural analysis via negative staining and cryo-EM. The Easiglow temporarily alters the charge on a carbon film — this charge can be selected by altering the composition of the gas molecules in the chamber of the unit.

      Easiglow User Manual (PDF)  |  Instrument Calendar

  • Quorum 150TES Sputter Coater

    • Sputters a thin coating of material at a user-defined thickness. Pt used by default for SEM imaging, but many other targets are available (Au, Cr, Ti,….) in addition to custom user-provided materials. Swappable head allows for carbon evaporation as well.

      Q150TES Instruction Manual (PDF)  |  Instrument Calendar

  • FEI Vitrobot Mark IV

    • The Mark IV Vitrobot is an automated vitrification robot to form thin vitreous films of ice < 1 micron in width on holey carbon films. Parameters to vary include volume, humidity, temperature, blot force, blot time, buffer salt, buffer pH, sample concentration. 

      FEI Mark IV Vitrobot (WMV) | Instrument Calendar

  • Buehler EcoMet 30 Semi-Automatic Grinding/Polishing system

    • Hands-free polishing enables repeatable and reliable sample quality.  Swappable magnetic platen system allows complete polishing of up to 4 resin-embedded samples in ~30 minutes.

      EcoMet 30 User Manual (PDF)  |  Instrument Calendar

  • Buehler IsoMet Low Speed Precision Diamond Saw

    •  Precision sectioning saw designed for cutting various types of materials with minimal deformation.

      User Manual (PDF)

  • Leica S8-APO Stereo Microscope with Flexacam C3 Camera

    • Stereo microscope that offers up to 80x magnification.  Flexacam mount allows for live display on an external monitor and capture of 12MP images/videos.

      Technical Brochure (PDF)  |  Instrument Calendar

  • Leica DM1000 Compound Microscope with Flexacam C3 Camera

    • Compound microscope that offers up to 200x magnification in air, and up to 1000x magnification in oil. Flexacam mount allows for live display on an external monitor and capture of 12MP images/videos.

      Technical Brochure (PDF)



  • Tousimis AutoSamdri 815 Critical Point Dryer

    • Ultrastructural preservation of biological materials for scanning electron microscopy (i.e. “keeps the grapes from becoming raisins”).

      AutoSamdri 815 details (PDF)

  • Wohlwend HPF Compact 2

    • High pressure freezing offers chemical-free cryo-fixation of biological specimens up to 0.2 mm thickness and 0.6 mm³ volume

      Official website

  • Pelco Biowave

    • Facilitates faster solution exchange for both TEM and SEM biological sample preparation.

      Pelco Biowave manual (PDF)

  • Ultramicrotomy Equipment

    • Leica Ultracut UCT

    • Leica EM UC7

    • Leica EM Automated Freeze Substitution

    • Leica KMR3 Knifemaker

  • Emitech K950 Carbon Evaporator 

    • Deposition of thin (15nm) carbon coatings for SEM.  In particular, promotes less interference for backscattered imaging and EDX analysis. 

      Reserve Carbon Evaporator



Funding acknowledgements

Funding for EMC instrumentation has been supported by multiple sources including several grants from the National Science FoundationNational Institutes of Health, University of Missouri’s Program for Research Infrastructure and Matching Expenses (PRIME) and different departmental Research Incentive Funds (RIF).