You can direct general inquiries to You’re also welcome to reach out to EMC staff directly.
No. Unfortunately the EMC is unable to provide parking for clients. Parking at the building is restricted and may result in ticketing or towing.
MU employees
You may be able to request a temporary permit for nearby garages, Parking Structure #7 or Virginia Avenue parking garage.
There is metered parking available in the Virginia Ave Surface Lot just to the north of the building.
For more information, consult the MU Parking and Transportation's website.
We primarily host a suite of electron microscopes along with assorted support and preparatory equipment.
Learn more about our instrumentation.
Additional instrumentation is available on campus at the MU Materials Science & Engineering Institute as well as at MU’s many other Advanced Technology Core facilities.
You’ll need to contact each facility separately.
All EMC instrument scheduling and billing is controlled through our Facility Online Manager (FOM) system.
All users are expected to follow our general policies and procedures which cover new users, instrument reservation, service requests, billing and more.
New users will need to first register for an account as outlined in our policies and procedures. Once you have an account, you can request access to individual instrumentation. The equipment’s manager will follow up with you.
Yes! The EMC is always happy to train new or existing users. Once trained, users will be able to schedule and operate the instruments independently.
Contact EMC staff to set up training.
After hours access may be granted on a very limited and case-by-case basis.
To be considered, users must demonstrate extensive proficiency as well as justified need.
Please review our policies and procedures.
Personal storage devices are never to be used with instrument computers. Any user who does so will have their EMC access revoked.
In general, we suggest that MU clients copy their data into their MU-provided OneDrive account by logging in through the browser.
Certain applications may have separate file sharing mechanisms.
Personal storage devices may only be used on the computer located in the staff office (Room 0011).
MU clients can charge instrumentation and service charges directly to their MoCode(s). Users can add (or remove) multiple MoCodes to their FOM account and select which one to use when booking instrument time.
Non-MU clients will need to have an external customer number generated through the financial office. Contact EMC staff for assistance.
Yes! We also request that users acknowledge the core in their publications when EMC equipment is used. A strong publication history helps greatly when trying to acquire new instrumentation in the future!