Please read our modified operating procedures during the COVID-19 Pandemic and be prepared to complete the CNS COVID Screening form prior to each session conducted at the CNS Core Facility.
Funding Announcements
Announcement: Pilot Grant RFA now active. Award Amount: up to $15,000 per award.
Key Dates:
- RFA Release Date: 2/1/2023
- Letter of Intent (LOI) Due: rolling
- Invitation to Submit Full Application Sent: 1-month post receipt of LOI
- Application Due Date: 1-month post invitation
- Anticipated Award Date: 1-month post submission
Lecture Series
We are offering a series of interactive, in-person workshops designed to introduce current and future facility users to the processing and analysis of a variety of MRI data modalities (i.e., functional MRI, structural MRI, and diffusion-tensor imaging) that are regularly used in neuroscience research.
Participants* are welcome to sign up for some or all of the modules offered.
The workshop series comprises five modules:
2023 Dates TBD
Orientation to MRI Analysis Module
1 session
This module will provide a general orientation to MRI data collection and processing. We will cover important topics including (1) review of MRI data file types and file conversion process, (2) accessing sample data sets that will be used in workshops, and (3) navigating data processing in Linux environment.
fMRI Analysis Module
2 sessions
This module will provide an introduction to the preprocessing and analysis of functional MRI task data. We will walk you through the steps involved in processing individual data as well as conducting basic group-level analyses.
sMRI Analysis Module
2 sessions
This module will provide an introduction to the preprocessing and analysis of structural MRI data. We will walk you through the steps involved in processing individual data as well as conducting basic group-level analyses.
DTI Analysis Module
2 sessions
This module will provide an introduction to the preprocessing and analysis of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data. We will walk you through the steps involved in processing individual data as well as conducting basic group-level analyses.
Intro to Multi-Modal Imaging Module
1 session
This module will be provide a general overview and introduction to integrating imaging data from multiple modalities (e.g., fMRI and sMRI) in a single analysis/approach.
(*This workshop series is offered to MU faculty, staff and students only.)
- MRI Safety Training
- Experimental Design and Paradigm Development
- Data Analytics Workshop