All users are responsible for understanding and complying with these policies. Please read through all policies prior to project application and initiation. If you have any questions, need clarification or require additional information, you are welcome to contact CNS Operations Coordinator Alex Brown or CNS Director Brett Froeliger.
Our policies
All personnel involved in data collection at the CNS must complete Level 1 Safety Training. This is required of all members of a lab research group regardless of role and responsibilities (e.g., assisting or observing, testing, data collection, scheduling, screening, and scanning). Please contact Alex Brown, 573-884-8779 for more details and/or to schedule an individual or group safety training session for yourself or your lab.
Courtesy and confidentiality
In the absence of prior approval, no one should enter a research room when another study is currently in progress. Interruptions and distractions can undermine safety, affect data quality and compromise participant confidentiality.
Scheduling rooms and resources
The CNS utilizes scheduling software called Calpendo in order to make booking rooms and resources easy.
Please refer to our scheduling page for details.
Development time
We recognize that some projects need additional time to develop and test complex apparatuses (stimuli, physiological gear, etc.) or to refine and implement novel sequences. These activities can be accomplished at no charge when the equipment is not being utilized for billable studies. Research and development activities can be scheduled, but should be noted as such on the calendar. Paid usage of the facilities will take precedence for scheduling and can displace research and development activities from the calendar with 24 hours notice.
Note: Equipment maintenance or repair does not fall into this category and will be given scheduling priority.
Billing is determined according to the total amount of time that the room(s) is occupied including participant prep time, participant task practice, equipment prep, operation time, and post-session cleanup). The total amount of time to accomplish the above should be included when scheduling equipment and/or room time on the Calpendo calendar.
- No charge if services are canceled with more than 24 hours notice.
- 50% of standard hourly rate for entire scheduled slot if service is canceled less than 24 hours notice.
- 100% of standard hourly rate for entire scheduled slot will apply if there is failure to provide any advance notification.
Marx Building Security
Normal business hours for the Marx Building are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. During this time, anyone can enter via the main entrance.
After-hours and weekend access is available using an MU ID card swipe via a key card reader located to the right of the Marx Building main entrance. Anyone needing access must send an email request to Alex Brown stating the reasons for the request. If approved, your MU ID card will be activated for after-hours entry. Those receiving after-hours access approval are responsible for ensuring their MU ID works upon email notification.
Safety certification and annual re-certification
Level 1 personnel must renew their certification annually in order to continue working at the CNS. Although personnel with ongoing active projects will receive email reminders regarding renewal, it is the responsibility of each individual to renew their certification prior to the anniversary and to check in with the CNS operations coordinator or CNS director if returning from an extended hiatus.
Data transfer and archiving
Data from the scanner is transferred automatically to a secure storage array using the Clinical Trials Processor (CTP). Users can access their data, and only their data, through a web portal and copy it to a location of their choosing.
Instructions for transferring data from the CTP Server
- COVID-19 screening form
- Data transfer instructions
- MRI screening form
- New study application form
- TMS screening form