You can watch a recent in-depth video and download the presentation (login required) covering export controls and sanctions which may answer some of your questions. However, please feel free to reach out to us for guidance at any time. 

How can export controls affect my research?

"Export" is defined not only as a physical transfer/disclosure of an item outside the U.S., but also as a transfer/disclosure in any form of a controlled item or information within the U.S. to anyone who is a foreign national (not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident). This is called the "deemed export" rule.

As a result, unless an exclusion or exemption is available, MU may be required to obtain government approval (in the form of an export license) before allowing foreign national faculty, staff or students to participate in affected research. A license may be denied in some cases based on the country involved.

Other situations that may require a license:

  • Presentation/discussion of previously unpublished research at conferences and meetings where foreign national scholars are in attendance.
  • Research collaborations with foreign nationals and technical exchange programs.
  • Transfers of research equipment abroad.
  • Visits to your lab by foreign scholars.

What kinds of projects raise export control questions?

Any research activity may be subject to export controls if it involves the actual export or "deemed export" of goods, technology or technical data considered either "dual use" (commercial in nature with possible military applications) or inherently military.

High-risk areas:

  • Engineering.
  • Space sciences.
  • Computer science.
  • Biomedical research with lasers.
  • Research with encrypted software.
  • Research with controlled chemicals, biological agents and toxins.

Other areas that raise export control questions:

  • Sponsor restrictions on the participation of foreign nationals in the research.
  • Sponsor restrictions on the publication or disclosure of the research results.
  • Indications from the sponsor or others that export-controlled information or technology will be furnished for use in the research.
  • The physical export of controlled goods or technology is expected.

What do I need to do?

Educate yourself about export controls. You don't have to become an expert, but you do need to know enough about the topic to ask questions or alert the university about possible issues.

The materials on this website have been developed to assist you. We also would be happy to conduct educational sessions on export controls. Contact us to schedule one.


Contact us

310 Jesse Hall
Email: Phone: 573-884-9954