graphic of MU technology advancement

What we do 

We partner with industry contacts, entrepreneurs and investors to bring MU innovations to commercial settings for development into products and services that benefit society.

Our team helps inventors leverage the impact of their research, which often leads to new technologies, tools, therapeutics, diagnostics, compositions, processes, apps, models and other innovations that improve lives. 

We do this by:

  • Evaluating inventions for novelty, utility and market potential.
  • Securing intellectual property protection, such as patents and copyrights.
  • Identifying potential commercial partners and mentors.
  • Negotiating and managing licenses and other agreements.
  • Managing invention reporting and compliance requirements from federal, state and industry sponsors.

Contact us early for feedback and before you share your work publicly.

Assistance for innovators

We are available to help you:

Meet MU innovators with new patents, licensed technologies and first product sales in 2022.

Tips and timelines

Access our tip sheets for guidance throughout your tech advancement journey.

Technology search

Employees and industry partners can further develop university innovations for the marketplace.

Contact us

1400 Rock Quarry Road, Suite Q180
Email: Phone: 573-882-6013