The core staff will provide training to investigators wanting to learn more about flow cytometry and how to operate the flow analyzers. Training is mandatory even if the investigator has previous experience in flow cytometry or using other flow analyzers. The mandatory training sessions are offered by appointment at a rate of $50 per training session in addition to the fee for using the instrument during the training. Training is typically completed in two hands-on sessions of 60-90 minutes each. The first training covers a theoretical lesson of flow cytometry and the policies of the flow cytometry facility. The second part involves actual time using the instrument and a guided run through practice experiment. Investigators must provide samples appropriate for the analyzer for the second training. Following the instrument training, a second session with a core operator may be needed until the user can be approved to use the instrument independently. Once approved, a username and password will be provided for instrument access and the online reservation calendar.
Training Guide (Please print, review and bring to your first training session.)
- Flow cytometer reservations
- Troubleshooting on the FACScan
- FACScan CIC customer guide
- FACSCalibur CIC customer guide
- BD flow PowerPoint
- Molecular probes spectra viewer
- Fluorochrome absorbption and emission spectra
- Fortessa_X20_Filter_Guide
- CyAn fluorochrome guide
- CyAn CIC customer guide
- BD Fluorochrome reference & specification chart
- BD's spectrum viewer