A fundamental part of the BAC mission is to provide resources for bioinformatics, statistical and data science education focused on best practices in high-throughput data analysis and research data management. We are currently involved in several full-courses, seminars and workshops on the MU campus and our offerings are growing each year.

Our workshops and courses give researchers the tools to plan and execute successful bioinformatics and genomics experiments. These workshops, taught by experienced BAC personnel, cover both the theoretical and practical aspects of a wide range of bioinformatics topics including variant calling, single cell RNA-Seq and more.


Introduction to Nextflow

11/18/2021 | Outreach Training Workshops 

Come join BAC computational biologist Dr. Kyle Stiers as he presents to the Dataphiles group on Friday, Nov. 19, 2021, on “Getting started with Nextflow," the domain specific language for building data-driven pipelines. This presentation covers a brief introduction to syntax and structure of the language with some examples of production usage.”

Full Courses

As part of the our mission, BAC team members contribute to the advancement and education of data science on the MU campus by teaching or co-teaching courses in their respective areas of expertise. You can find a list of those courses and relevant information below.

Data Science 8110 – Genomic Analytics

Taught by BAC computational biologist Dr. Murugesan Raju, in conjunction with the MU IDSI as part of the Data Science and Analytics Program, this course will introduce the foundational concepts of genomics and bioinformatics. Genomics is a combination of biological and computational methods that explore the roles of DNA, genes and proteins on a very large scale. However, understanding how to interpret and understand the results depends (at least) on a basic understanding of biology. The course does not assume a student has a biological background and it will cover the concepts necessary to implement genomics methods.
Learn more