What we do

The Fiscal Services team is responsible for financial oversight of the Division of Research, Innovation & Impact, including:

  • Budget planning and development
  • Accounting and procurement
  • Financial reporting
  • Grant post-award management

For more information, email muvcbafiscal@missouri.edu.

Human Resources staff members ensure managers and supervisors in the division are given the tools, training and motivation to administer MU’s policies and procedures in an ethical, efficient and effective manner. They provide high-quality, business-focused consultation and guidance in the following areas:

  • Workforce planning and design
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Onboarding and orientation
  • Employee and labor relations
  • Learning and organizational development

For more information, contact Alan Toigo at 573-884-0547 or email alan.toigo@missouri.edu.

Contact us

310 Jesse Hall
Email: muresearch@missouri.edu Phone: 573-882-9500