The IT Research Support Solutions team (IT RSS) is making it easier for researchers to gather IT-related information for grant proposals.
“In the past, researchers have requested funds for stand-alone hardware that already existed,” said Rhonda Wassman, business tech analyst with IT RSS. “By taking a proactive approach, our team can help researchers save money and make the most out of their funding request.”
Brian Marxkors, another business tech analyst on the team, encourages researchers to include IT RSS early in the grant writing process to streamline their workflow and align the technology budget with Division of IT services and resources. The team can provide the following assistance:
- Security reviews
- Consulting
- Vendor quotes
- Letters of support
- Descriptions of facilities
- Regional partnerships
- Data management plans
“We have relationships with regional and national organizations, like the Great Plains Network, that have expertise we can tap to help principal investigators make their grant more competitive,” Wassman said. “This includes applications to agencies such as the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health.”
The sooner investigators reach out to IT RSS, the better. Sponsored Programs Administration professionals also notify the IT RSS team when grant proposals include data storage, data sharing, high-performance computing, hardware (beyond a standard desktop computer), lab equipment used for data collection and other technology needs. However, an IT consultation earlier in the process ensures that the proposal budget is more accurate and won't cause issues at the time of an award.
Send questions to muitrss@missouri.edu or request assistance by completing the RSS Grant Requirements Form.
IT RSS is partially a result of a $7 million investment toward enhancing research technology and associated support services systemwide. The investment is part of MizzouForward, a comprehensive strategy to invest in and enhance MU’s research and education missions.