News and Announcements
One-stop-shop for clinical and translational research
The Clinical Translational Science Unit provides spaces, staff and equipment for Mizzou researchers to use when conducting studies with human subjects.
Treating difficult cancers
Brian Thomas, MD-PhD candidate published research in Nature’s Precision Oncology that shows progress toward understanding and treating non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma.
SPDS helps researchers focus on the science
Mizzou faculty share what it's like to work with the Strategic Proposal Development Service. Learn how you can use their no-cost services to aid your work, too.
Communicating to build trust
Mizzou researchers participated in a two-day workshop to learn how to explain their work to all audiences.
A passion for bench science
Tara Finegan, an assistant research professor in biological sciences with extensive expertise in light imaging technologies, began work as co-director of the Advanced Light Microscopy Core Jan. 6. She will take the helm as sole director when co-director Alexander Jurkevich retires in March.
A call for resilience
In a new paper, Bond Life Sciences Center investigator Ron Mittler and a coalition of other plant scientists recommend that famers, policymakers and researchers use a concerted approach to ensuring global food security.
Turbocharging discovery
The Division of Research awarded the second round of Research Council grants, internal funding that supports scholarly and creative endeavors and often helps early career faculty ignite their research programs.
Mizzou's game changer
Entrepreneur Quest (EQ), the signature program of the Griggs Innovators Nexus at MU, has invested more than $223,000 in student ventures since 2018.
Team Science at Mizzou
The RII professional development team can help your research group set aside time for productive cross-disciplinary collaborations.
Artwork conveys complex science
Three “science-to-art” pieces from Mizzou investigators sold last month during the annual BioNexus KC meeting.