Mizzou's popular Saturday Morning Science events aren't your typical science lectures. Expect to be entertained, see demonstrations, learn a lot – and best of all – you'll want to come back for more. 

Saturday Morning Science is free and open to the public. No science background is required, and all ages are welcome. 

All events are held on campus at 10 a.m. in Room 171, Bond Life Sciences Center.

The Enns Entomology Museum at Mizzzou

Oct. 26, 2024

Insect specimens from Enns Entomology Museum

Speaker: Robert Sites, professor of plant science and technology in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, and Enns Entomology Museum director

With over 7 million specimens, the Enns Entomology Museum hosts one of the two largest university-owned insect collections in the world. We'll discuss our holdings, show impressive specimens and explain some important services the museum provides. Then we'll finish with an explanation of recent and current research based on museum specimens.

The community also is invited to celebrate the museum's 150th anniversary from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 2 in the Agriculture Science Building on campus. Learn more

Dec. 7, 2024

Topic: Microconductors and AI software

Speaker: Chi-Ren Shyu, Paul K. and Dianne Shumaker Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Director, MU Institute for Data Science and Informatics

More information coming soon.


Parking on the Mizzou campus can be challenging, so here is some guidance to make things easier. There is no parking next to the Bond Life Sciences Center; however, there are parking areas within 1-2 blocks (easy walking distance).*

To find Saturday Morning Science parking, click MU Campus Map (or google Mizzou Campus Map) and type "Bond Life Sciences Center" in the "find a building" field. We recommend the following parking locations (indicated in PINK on the image below):

  • Parking lot behind the MU Student Center.
  • Metered parking along Hitt Street (please note that these are city meters that may require payment).
  • Parking area WC5 surrounded by McKee Gymnasium, the Agriculture Science building/lab and Tucker Hall.
  • Virginia Avenue Parking Garage (has the most parking spots; not pictured below).

*There are a limited number of parking spaces behind the Bond Life Sciences Center and Physics Building as well as in the WC5 parking area for people with disabilities. These areas are indicated in GREEN on the image below.

a portion of the MU campus map


Please contact us for more information about Saturday Morning Science.