
Students and postdoctoral fellows who sign up to present have the option to have their oral or poster presentation judged in competition.

We are seeking any current or retired faculty, staff, professionals, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to judge in all disciplines.

Qualifications and commitment

Any faculty, staff, professionals, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with a terminal degree or significant professional experience to judge can apply to become a judge. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows will only be allowed to judge undergraduate presentations. Qualifying judges will be determined by the head and lead judges in each category. 

Your commitment will be a small investment of your time, three to six hours adapted to fit your schedule, for judging at least five presentations over the course of three days plus attending two pre-event meetings to review the judging rubric and event logistics. If you are able to judge additional presentations, let our team know.


Two major categories are sciences and humanities

Sub-categories are listed below. 


  • Social & Behavioral Sciences - projects using research methods appropriate to human behavior and social systems including, but not limited to, psychology, anthropology, sociology, education, public health, economics, political sciences, communication studies, journalism and business.
  • Life Sciences - lab-based, field-based or theoretical projects answering basic and applied questions in biology, biochemistry, ecology, biomedicine, etc.
  • Physical Sciences and Mathematics - experimental and theoretical research in the natural sciences and mathematical sciences, excluding the life sciences. 
  • Engineering Sciences - experimental and applied research designed to understand and build effective structures, systems and processes. 
  • Informatics - interdisciplinary research area utilizing data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and emerging technologies to address scientific and societal issues across diverse data sets, ranging from molecular to satellite levels.


  • Humanities - projects using methods appropriate to study modern and ancient languages, literature, history, philosophy, religion, culture, journalism and other humanities disciplines. 
  • Artistic Expression - visual art pieces, fashion design, music, theater, creative writing and performance-based projects. 
  • Applied Design - projects that solve a problem with an original design solution including, but not limited to, design projects for theater, architectural studies, photojournalism, graphic design and advertising. 

When signing up to judge, you will be asked what categories you are comfortable judging. Our lead judges will decide which category you will be placed in. 


RocketJudge is the electronic platform we will be using to judge poster and oral presentations. Shortly before the competition begins, you will receive an email or text containing your unique link to judge. You can use any data equipped device- tablet, computer, cell phone, etc. with wifi access or cellular data. You will not need to download an application. Prior to the event, we will offer an optional demo session. 

Learn more about RocketJudge.

Additional information

One or more of my students/postdoctoral fellows are participating in the competition. Can I still judge?

Absolutely! You will not judge any of your students and/or postdoctoral fellows during the competition to ensure there is no bias. 


For ADA accommodations and other questions you may have please contact us.